' }' bracet end of the code gives error I do not know why Expected pragma, import directive or contract/interface/library/struct/enum/constant/function/error definition.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Pausable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";
import "../interfaces/IProperty.sol";
contract Property is ERC721Enumerable, Ownable {
struct PropertyDetails {
uint256 propertyId;
string propertyName;
string location;
uint256 value;
bool isBasket;
uint256[] basketProperties; // Array of property IDs if this is a basket
// Remove the extra closing brace
//mapping(uint256 => PropertyDetails) public properties;
constructor() ERC721("RealEstateProperty", "PROP") {}
function createProperty(
string memory name,
string memory location,
uint256 value,
bool isBasket,
uint256[] memory basketProperties
) external onlyOwner returns (uint256) {
uint256 propertyId = totalSupply() + 1;
_mint(msg.sender, propertyId);
properties[propertyId] = PropertyDetails({
propertyId: propertyId,
propertyName: name,
location: location,
value: value,
isBasket: isBasket,
basketProperties: basketProperties
return propertyId;
function getPropertyDetails(uint256 propertyId) external view returns (PropertyDetails memory) {
return properties[propertyId];
// Define events
event PropertyUpdated(uint256 indexed propertyId, address indexed owner, string newDescription, uint256 newPrice);
event OwnershipTransferred(uint256 indexed propertyId, address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
// Define state variables
struct PropertyDetails {
address owner;
string description;
uint256 price;
bool isForSale;
address paymentToken;
// mapping(uint256 => PropertyDetails) public properties;
// Define state variables
mapping (uint256 => PropertyDetails) properties;
// Declare public getter function for properties mapping
function getProperty(uint256 _id) public view returns (PropertyDetails memory) {
return properties[_id];
function getProperty(uint256 _id) public view returns (PropertyDetails memory) {
return properties[_id];
uint256 nextPropertyId;
// Function to create a new property
function createProperty(string calldata description, uint256 price, address paymentToken) external whenNotPaused onlyOwner {
require(price > 0, "Price must be greater than 0");
require(paymentToken != address(0), "Invalid payment token address");
properties[nextPropertyId] = PropertyDetails({
owner: msg.sender,
description: description,
price: price,
isForSale: false,
paymentToken: paymentToken
emit PropertyUpdated(nextPropertyId, msg.sender, description, price);
// Function to update property details
function updateProperty(uint256 propertyId, string calldata newDescription, uint256 newPrice) external whenNotPaused {
PropertyDetails storage property = properties[propertyId];
require(property.owner == msg.sender, "Only the owner can update property details");
require(newPrice > 0, "Price must be greater than 0");
property.description = newDescription;
property.price = newPrice;
emit PropertyUpdated(propertyId, msg.sender, newDescription, newPrice);
// Function to set property for sale
function setPropertyForSale(uint256 propertyId, bool forSale) external whenNotPaused {
PropertyDetails storage property = properties[propertyId];
require(property.owner == msg.sender, "Only the owner can set property for sale");
property.isForSale = forSale;
// Function to transfer ownership of the property
function transferOwnership(uint256 propertyId, address newOwner) external whenNotPaused {
PropertyDetails storage property = properties[propertyId];
require(property.owner == msg.sender, "Only the owner can transfer ownership");
require(newOwner != address(0), "Invalid new owner address");
property.owner = newOwner;
property.isForSale = false; // Automatically remove from sale
emit OwnershipTransferred(propertyId, msg.sender, newOwner);
// Function to purchase a property
function purchaseProperty(uint256 propertyId) external whenNotPaused {
PropertyDetails storage property = properties[propertyId];
require(property.isForSale, "Property is not for sale");
require(property.price > 0, "Property price must be set");
IERC20 paymentToken = IERC20(property.paymentToken);
uint256 price = property.price;
paymentToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, property.owner, price);
property.owner = msg.sender;
property.isForSale = false;
emit OwnershipTransferred(propertyId, property.owner, msg.sender);
// Function to pause contract functions in emergencies
function pause() external onlyOwner {
// Function to unpause contract functions
function unpause() external onlyOwner {
// Placeholder for external integration (e.g., with external systems or protocols)
//function integrateWithExternalSystem(uint256 propertyId) external view returns (bool) {
// Example integration logic
// return true;
// }
// Function to get the total number of properties
function getTotalProperties() external view returns (uint256) {
return nextPropertyId;