I'm writing a snippet of code that should call an API and record the response to the chain:

function(APIResponse) {
    // Write to chain
    console.log(`API responded with:\n${APIResponse}`);
    let callResult = instance.writeResponse.call(APIResponse);
    console.log(`Writing api response to chain result: ${callResult}`);
    const ID = instance.writeResponse.sendTransaction(APIResponse);
    console.log(`Transaction ID: ${ID}`)

In an attempt to use the proper pattern, I first call to check the function and later send the transaction. The call passes and returns a boolean value, but the sendTransaction fails with the following:

requestmanager.js:61 Uncaught Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: out of gas(…)

Referencing a similar issue I attempted to add gas to the function calls:

function(APIResponse) {
    // Write to chain
    console.log(`API responded with:\n${APIResponse}`);
    let callResult = instance.writeResponse.call({gas: helper.averageGasBump}, APIResponse);
    console.log(`Writing api response to chain result: ${callResult}`);
    const ID = instance.writeResponse.sendTransaction({gas: helper.averageGasBump}, APIResponse);
    console.log(`Transaction ID: ${ID}`)

This time, no Error is thrown, the transaction gets recorded but when I try to access the varable that should have been stored in the chain as a JSON string, an empty string is being returned.

Interestingly enough, inside truffle console I can invoke all functions without the need for an additional gas bump and they get recorded properly.

I'm using testrpc.

Could you explain to me what is going on?

1 Answer 1


After some tinkering, I found out where the problem was - I was missusing the API.

The propper call with the gas bump should have been:

instance.writeResponse.call(APIResponse, {gas: helper.averageGasBump});

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