I'm having a bit of a headache trying to understand how to fix the 'transaction replaced' error when using ethers-js. I use await tx.wait(). I even use sleep for at least 10 seconds between transactions. And still sometime it throws that error. First of all, is it smth that one should avoid, is it avoidable, what happens when a tx is replaced? Is there a way to listen or monitor the state of a tx to continue only after it was mined to avoid the replacement? I tried the wait() function, awaited for the status 1, checked the blockNumber to appear in the tx receipt, but it seems like all of this being automatically checked inside the wait() func, And I still get transaction replacement sometimes.... Ho to avoid it? Thank you.
Also yes I tried even adding a nonce to tx manually, but it seems it changes nothing..
here'the code
try {
const data = await getTools(acc, 'goerli', 'Ethereum Testnet Goerli', 'ethusdt');
const { provider, signer, theChain, theToken } = data;
const { tokenBalance, tokenBalanceInEther } = await getBalance(theChain, provider, signer, theToken);
if (+tokenBalanceInEther < 0.0001) throw new Error('Not enough Assets!!!\n');
const randomAmount = getRandomAmount(0.001, 0.002);
console.log('The sent amount is', randomAmount);
console.log('Sending the transaction...');
const goerliToBaseContract = new ethers.Contract(base.GOERLI_TO_BASE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, base.GOERLI_TO_BASE_CONTRACT_ABI, signer);
const gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
const txEstimateGas = (
+(await goerliToBaseContract.estimateGas.depositTransaction(acc.address, utils.parseEther(randomAmount), '0', false, '0x')) * 2
const tx = await goerliToBaseContract.functions.depositTransaction(acc.address, utils.parseEther(randomAmount), txEstimateGas, false, '0x', {
gasLimit: txEstimateGas,
const receipt = await tx.wait();
const taskReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await new Promise(async resolve => {
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
const status = receipt.status;
const txHash = receipt.transactionHash;
console.log('TX HASH', txHash);
if (status && receipt.blockNumber) {
return resolve(receipt);
}, 1000);
return { taskReceipt, gasPrice, theToken };
} catch (error: any) {
return { error };