This code is from Uniswap v3 development book:
sqrtp_low = price_to_sqrtp(4545)
sqrtp_cur = price_to_sqrtp(5000)
sqrtp_upp = price_to_sqrtp(5500)
def liquidity0(amount, pa, pb):
if pa > pb:
pa, pb = pb, pa
return (amount * (pa * pb) / q96) / (pb - pa) # HERE
def liquidity1(amount, pa, pb):
if pa > pb:
pa, pb = pb, pa
return amount * q96 / (pb - pa) # HERE
eth = 10**18
amount_eth = 1 * eth
amount_usdc = 5000 * eth
liq0 = liquidity0(amount_eth, sqrtp_cur, sqrtp_upp)
liq1 = liquidity1(amount_usdc, sqrtp_cur, sqrtp_low)
liq = int(min(liq0, liq1))
As we already calculated the sqrt of current,lower and upper price why did we divided and multiplied by q96