Is there a way to get all the liquidity of a token? Also locked and burned liquidities, actually my aim is to build something similar to token sniffer, thanks for your help
1 Answer
You have to use the factory abi of all dexes to get liquidity for the mostly used tokens from front end. Eg. the factory address of pancakeswap is 0xcA143Ce32Fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fC5350c73
. The abi of pancakefatory have a function named getPair(address token1, address token2)
. Then in front end with web3 or etherjs you will initialize factory contract.
Here is the simple example for finding single pair:
const [pair, setPair] = useState("")
const token1;
const token2;
const pancakeFatory = new ethers.contract(factoryContract, abi, provider)
const setPair = async () => {
const pairAvailable = await pancakeFactory.getPair(token1, token2);
If you have multiple factories and multiple tokens to check like usdt, bnb, eth, btc etc then you have to utilize nested loop and if pair returned is 0 address then the pair is not available and pair returned is not a zero address then pair is available.
Thank you very much, your answer was really great, now is there a function that I can get all the pairs and find out from it if my token is zero or token one is the token I am checking and filter it? And is there a way I can calculate the locked and burned liquidity? Commented Mar 3, 2023 at 4:48