For example, I have a contract address for a pair of WETH/USDC: 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640 how can i get the price of this pair using web3.py?

2 Answers 2


from web3 import Web3

Connect to a local or remote Ethereum node

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('http://localhost:8545'))

The address of the WETH/USDC contract

contract_address = '0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640'

The ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the contract

contract_abi = [abi_json_string]

Instantiate the contract object

contract = w3.eth.contract(address=contract_address, abi=contract_abi)

Call the 'price0CumulativeLast' function to get the price of WETH in wei

price_weth = contract.functions.price0CumulativeLast().call()

Convert the price from wei to ether

price_weth_ether = w3.fromWei(price_weth, 'ether')

Call the 'price1CumulativeLast' function to get the price of USDC in wei

price_usdc = contract.functions.price1CumulativeLast().call()

Convert the price from wei to ether

price_usdc_ether = w3.fromWei(price_usdc, 'ether')

Calculate the price of WETH/USDC

price_pair = price_weth_ether / price_usdc_ether

print('WETH/USDC price:', price_pair)

note that the ABI is not provided in this example, you need to get the ABI from the contract developer or by using a tool like remix to get the ABI.

Also, this is just an example, the actual price calculation will depend on the design of the smart contract.


You could just use an API from like binance or something to get the prices. If you were doing it onchain then Chainlink Price Feeds

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