I need to retrieve data to front end from event:

eventSignature: 'ProposalIsCreated(bytes32,address,address,address,string,uint256,uint256,bytes32))'

I use defaultAbiCoder from ethers.js and this function throws an error, probably because I use array syntax, but I have no other ideas how to represent struct and make it work:

      ["address", "address", "string", "uint256", "uint256", "bytes32"],

Data example:


1 Answer 1


you can do it this way your

const connection = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/', { chainId: 80001 });

//set address
let contractAddress = "address";
   //set private-key
   const privateKey="key";
 //connect wallet
 var signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, connection)
 //create signer
 const txSigner = contract.connect(signer);

 //instance of struct
 const Ranger = "(uint256 idNumber,uint256 dateOfBirth,string lastName,string userAddress,string gender,string  firstName,string middleName,uint256 accountNumber,bool isActive,uint256 phone; )";

//human readable abi
const ABI = [
 `function addRanger(uint256 _id,string _userAdd,string  _gender,uint256 _dob,uint _phone,string _middleName,string _firstName,string _lastName,uint256  _account) public`,
`function getAllUsers() public`,
`event AddedRanger(${Ranger}  created)`];

 //create contract instance
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, ABI, connection);

 contract.on("AddedRanger",(Ranger,event) => {
            value: Ranger.toString(),
            data: event

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