After using a function in solidity with ether js, if that function fails, how can I detect this error with ether js?
error error_name();
contract example(){
function f(){
revert error_name();
Here's how you can detect your error with ethers.js quite easily using ethers-decode-error.
Install ethers-decode-error
in your project:
npm install ethers-decode-error --save
Next, the following code will help you get the name of the custom error in your solidity contract:
import { ErrorDecoder, DecodedError } from 'ethers-decode-error'
// This is the instance of your example smart contract
const exampleContract = new ethers.Contract('0x1234', abi, provider)
const errorDecoder = ErrorDecoder.create([exampleContract.interface])
try {
const tx = await exampleContract.f()
await tx.wait()
} catch (err) {
const decodedError = await errorDecoder.decode(err)
// Prints "error_name" which is what you have named the error in your contract
console.log('Custom error name:',
const reason = customReasonMapper(decodedError)
// Prints "This is a custom message for error_name from example contract."
console.log('Custom error message:', reason)
const customReasonMapper = ({ name, reason }: DecodedError): string => {
switch (name) {
case 'error_name':
return 'This is a custom message for error_name from example contract.'
// You can match other custom errors you may have in your contract here...
// case 'MyOtherError': ...
// Captures other error messages
return reason ?? 'There was an error'
You can find more examples for handling solidity custom errors here. :)
On frontend:
const [error, setError] = useState();
const call = () => {
//ethers logics