I have a simple code to get prices from Uniswap V2

const getTokenExchangeRate = async (tokenA, tokenB) => {
  return (
    await dexRouter.methods.getAmountsOut(toWei("1"), [tokenA, tokenB]).call()

// usage

const price = await getTokenExchangeRate(LINK, DAI)
priceNormal = web3.utils.fromWei(price)


If both coins have equal decimals it works normal, but if there is a difference in decimals I get a huge number. For example

const price = await getTokenExchangeRate(LINK, USDC)
priceNormal = web3.utils.fromWei(price)

PS C:\Users\Viktor\Desktop\Uniswap3JS> node test.js

What should I add to get human readable numbers for all possible pairs? Thanks.

3 Answers 3

  1. Create an instance for ERC20 contract.
  2. Create instance for the UniswapPair contract
  3. Call decimals() of that tokens.
  4. Create a logic like:
if(tokenDecimals < 18){
 const amountOut = await pair.methods.getReserves().call()
 const parsedAmount = Number(amountOut.tokenB._hex).toFixed(18)
 await dexRouter.methods.getAmountsOut(parsedAmount, [tokenA,tokenB]).call()

Can't test if this code will compile but here's is the north.

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Well, I found an answer, though I don't like it. And now I don't understand why getAmountsOut (WETH, USDC) gives a real price and getAmountsOut (USDC, WETH) gives some weird numbers. But that's another story.

const getTokenExchangeRate = async (tokenA, tokenB) => {
  return (
    await dexRouter.methods.getAmountsOut(toWei("1"), [tokenA, tokenB]).call()
const price = await getTokenExchangeRate(USDC, WETH9)

const abi2 = [
    "constant": true,
    "inputs": [],
    "name": "decimals",
    "outputs": [
        "name": "",
        "type": "uint8"
    "payable": false,
    "type": "function"

const check = new web3.eth.Contract(
  WETH9 //TokenB

const result = await check.methods.decimals().call()
let humanPrice = price/(10**result)

I would recommend to convert all numbers to a common denominator (i.e. 18 decimal places precision) and perform the analysis with these decimal places.

The Aave V2 repo has some nice utility functions for this purpose.

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