I'm developing an app that allows user to make bets against each other. In order to get some useful web-UI info, i need to write a getter function for an array of structs.

Simplified version of my code to get the point across:

struct UserStruct {
    uint256 betAmount;
    uint256 matchId;}

mapping(address => UserStruct[]) public userStructs;

function appendUserBet( uint256 eventNumber) public payable{
    UserStruct memory userStruct = UserStruct(msg.value, eventNumber);

function userStructLookUp(uint eventNumber, address userId) public view returns (UserStruct memory){   
        uint index = userStructs[userId].length;
        for (uint i = 0; i < index; i++) {
            if (userStructs[userId][i].matchId == eventNumber) {
                return userStructs[userId][i];}}}

My userStructs has two keys - an address and an event id, which my current version of a getter function can work with, given I provide it with required args.

What I need though is a function that would provide me with an array of structs for a particular user when i provide said function with a user address. So i supposed it would be like this:

    function userMatchesLookUp(address userId ) public view returns(uint256[] memory){
        return userStructs[userId];}

But it doesn't compile because i try to assign the return to the wrong type storage ref[] storage ref is not implicitly convertible to expected type uint256[], but which is the correct?. A similar question was asked here [Similar question] but there was no solution to the problem. Can you please tell me where i went wrong? Thank you in advance!

2 Answers 2


Your issue is that you're retrieving inside userMatchesLookUp() function an uint256 array and you're returning entire array of struct. I suggest you to return entire array of struct because in this way you can retrieve all values inside it, like: betAmount and matchId for each match.

I adjusted your smart contract in this way:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Test {
    struct UserStruct {
        uint256 betAmount;
        uint256 matchId;

    mapping(address => UserStruct[]) public userStructs;

    function appendUserBet( uint256 eventNumber) public payable{
        UserStruct memory userStruct = UserStruct(msg.value, eventNumber);

    function userStructLookUp(uint eventNumber, address userId) public view returns (UserStruct memory){   
        uint index = userStructs[userId].length;
        for (uint i = 0; i < index; i++) {
            if (userStructs[userId][i].matchId == eventNumber) {
                return userStructs[userId][i];

    // NOTE: I changed your return object with struct array in signature function
    function userMatchesLookUp(address userId) public view returns(UserStruct[] memory){
        return userStructs[userId];


you must add age.rhref before adding the compile.json or else function will override uint256 eventNumber always make sure to reference ethereum.api.null in docs. or else this image will show what i meant ethereum ui

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