Which of the two is more efficient. Assuming I have this,

uint[] public availableRooms = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; 

And I need to know whether 5 is present in the array above. Which of the two is more efficient and can you help with how to do that with mapping?


Based on the comments by users, a mapping will be the best way to find out if an element exists or not. So I changed the code into something like this

mapping (uni256 => bool); 

And in the constructor function, I constructor all instances of my availableRooms

constructor (){
availableRooms[1] = true;
availableRooms[2] = true;
availableRooms[3] = true;
availableRooms[4] = true;
availableRooms[5] = true;
availableRooms[6] = true;
availableRooms[7] = true;

And now to find out if the room really exist, all I have to do is

availableRooms[5] ; 
  • Iterating in solidity is very expensive and also limited to max number until u go out of gas. Mapping cannot be iterated easily u need to use some weird tricks to do that. Maybe the best way is to see the openZeppelin library contracts and see how are they handling iterations and arrays. I remember the erc721enumaration contract of them have something like that or need something like that
    – Majd TL
    Commented Apr 3, 2022 at 15:54

1 Answer 1


Yeah you can do this easy with a map.

mapping(uint8 => bool) public availableRooms;

uint8 is a number of the room. bool is a false/true , depending on if the room is available.

If you want to check if room number 5 is available you just need to call the map.

availableRooms [5]; //And you will get true or false

  • Does that mean, I shouldn't put in an array? Or I should create a mapping that has the same identification as the array?
    – Scyre27
    Commented Apr 3, 2022 at 18:26
  • If you wish to know if an element is in the list. Then mapping is the way to go. Way more efficient. Because in a list you would have to iterate over it and compare elements until you find a match.
    – Sky
    Commented Apr 4, 2022 at 8:54

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