I'm using the ECVerify library and in the test examples in that contract, function ecverify(bytes32 hash, bytes sig, address signer) returns (bool) {} expects bytes sig in the format "\xFF\xFF\xFF...", and it does not seem to work with a bytes sig = "0xFFFFFF..." format.

How do I convert bytes32 sig = 0xaca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d6439346b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf200 to bytes sig = "\xac\xa7\xda...?

Update: re: Edmund Edgars comment, in ECVerfiy.sol there are test examples,

function test_v0() returns (bool) {
    bytes32 hash = 0x47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad;
    bytes memory sig = "\xac\xa7\xda\x99\x7a\xd1\x77\xf0\x40\x24\x0c\xdc\xcf\x69\x05\xb7\x1a\xb1\x6b\x74\x43\x43\x88\xc3\xa7\x2f\x34\xfd\x25\xd6\x43\x93\x46\xb2\xba\xc2\x74\xff\x29\xb4\x8b\x3e\xa6\xe2\xd0\x4c\x13\x36\xea\xce\xaf\xda\x3c\x53\xab\x48\x3f\xc3\xff\x12\xfa\xc3\xeb\xf2\x00";
    return ECVerify.ecverify(hash, sig, 0x0e5cb767cce09a7f3ca594df118aa519be5e2b5a);

If I replace bytes sig with "0xaca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d6439346b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf200" then it fails. It seems to only work with the bytes sig = "\xac\xa7\xda..." format.

I'm using ECVerify for a dApp and will be passing a lot of signatures to it, and it seemed like those need to be in that format, so are there any libraries or something for converting to "\xac\xa7\xda" or how would I send signatures to ECVerify?

  • A bytes32 in Solidity is 32 bytes - if you've got a formatting problem it's probably where you're passing the data to the contract. Can you post your failing code? Commented Jan 30, 2017 at 13:03
  • posted the code Commented Jan 30, 2017 at 18:46

2 Answers 2


When you type

bytes memory sig = "0xaca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d6439346b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf200"

Solidity interprets this as the literal characters "0", "x", etc. in ASCII.

if you instead use (note the missing 0x)

bytes memory sig =  hex"aca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d6439346b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf200"

it will interpret it as the bytes in hexadecimal format.

When you are actually passing data to the contract, this won't be an issue, the contract will just accept a sting of bytes, so any formatting needs to be done on the client side.


Since your signature is 64 Bytes long you can't store it in a Bytes32 variable. This will NOT work.

bytes32 sig = 0xaca7da997ad177f040240cdccf6905b71ab16b74434388c3a72f34fd25d6439346b2bac274ff29b48b3ea6e2d04c1336eaceafda3c53ab483fc3ff12fac3ebf200

However you can store the signature in an arbitrary long bytes array as you mentioned:

bytes sig = "\xAA\xBB ... \x00"

This will be handled as an array in is the same as:

bytes1[] memory = new bytes1[](64);
bytes1[0] = 0xAA;
bytes1[1] = 0xBB;
bytes1[63] = 0x00;

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