Where can I find a description (preferably a diagram like below) showing the block structure in an Ethereum blockchain?
Credits: Wikipedia
Where can I find a description (preferably a diagram like below) showing the block structure in an Ethereum blockchain?
Credits: Wikipedia
Lets first start with my adaptation of this figure illustrating the Bitcoin block structure:
So far so good. All fairly basic.
Enter Ethereum and things get a wee bit more complex. After reading through this and this, and as per @eth 's recommendation this, my best interpretation is the figure below:
The header field definitions are available in section 4.3 of the yellow paper.
Here is a complete structure of a block and where it plays its role in Ethereum's blockchain.
You asked for a diagram but i think this would be more explanatory.
The description can be found in the Yellow Paper which is the formal specification of the Ethereum protocol.
Here are the main pieces of a block:
4.3. The Block. The block in Ethereum is the collection of relevant pieces of information (known as the block header), H, together with information corresponding to the comprised transactions, T, and a set of other block headers U that are known to have a parent equal to the present block’s parent’s parent.
No diagram though (an opportunity for the community).
Here's a picture from V's article regarding data structures for light clients:
Vitalik Buterin gives a compact answer:
Every block header in Ethereum contains 3 trees for three kinds of objects: Transactions, Receipts (essentially, pieces of data showing the effect of each transaction), State.
You can read a longer version with pictures here.
Extrapolating from the syntactic block structure, we can also ask what the semantic ethereum world state structure looks like. I use this diagram to explain the relationship between "on-chain", "off-chain", and everything in between, including L2 scaling solutions. Please see my accompanying blog post for more details.
Here is my interpretation based on the latest version of yellow paper(BERLIN VERSION beacfbd – 2022-10-24)
here is the whole link: https://medium.com/@JanessaTech/ethereum-a-latest-interpretation-of-yellow-paper-29ec14d05867