is there an equivalent to javascript's spread operator in solidity?

I am hoping to do something like this

 struct Book {
      string name;
      string writer;
      string genre;
      string publisher;
   string[] memory bookInfo = ["bookName", "bookAuthor", "bookGenre", "bookPublisher"];
   Book book1 = Book(...bookInfo);

Or is there a way to pass a struct to a constructor in solidity?

  • There's no spread operator on solidity. You can loop over the array and copy it's values (spend more gas) or just assign an array to another. You can even create a function that returns a memory array.
    – 0xTheL
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 19:52

1 Answer 1


There is no equivalent to JavaScript's spread operator in Solidity.

But you can initialize a struct the two following ways:

// Like a function
Book book1 = Book("book1Name", "book1Author", "book1Genre", "book1Publisher");

// Via a key-value mapping
Book book2 = Book({ name: "book2Name", writer: "book2Author", genre: "book2Genre", publisher: "book2Publisher" });

It is recommended to initialize it via a key-mapping for a better code clarity.

More examples here: https://solidity-by-example.org/structs/

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