Wondering if solidity supports operator overloading like python does?

Something like:


overload __+__ {
    if (type(arg1) == string && type(arg2) == string){
        return arg1.append(arg2);

I would use this to rewrite the SafeMath library, as SafeMath adding/multiplying/etc. in a long string becomes very unreadable...


  • 2
    Solidity doesn't support operator overloading.
    – Ismael
    Commented Feb 1, 2018 at 21:02
  • @Ismael thank you! I do remember reading something about this in a Vitalik blog post, but I don't recall the specifics. Perhaps in the future...
    – Alex
    Commented Feb 2, 2018 at 5:47

3 Answers 3


The official solidity documentation only mentions function overloading.

There is no operator overloading in Solidity.


As of 0.8.19, you can now define custom operators for types https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.19/contracts.html#using-for


Is a good example where it states:

using {
    Helpers.add as +,
    Helpers.and2 as &,
    Math.div as /,
    Helpers.eq as ==,
    Helpers.gt as >,
    Helpers.gte as >=,
    Helpers.lt as <,
    Helpers.lte as <=,
    Helpers.or as |,
    Helpers.mod as %,
    Math.mul as *,
    Helpers.neq as !=,
    Helpers.not as ~,
    Helpers.sub as -,
    Helpers.xor as ^
} for UD60x18 global;

to override the basic operations for a custom integer type.


No, Solidity doesn't support operator overloading as of Jan 2018.

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