I try deploy a contract to rotten network with truffle. I checked the last gas limit value in ropsten and I give the gas limit value of the last block But I get this error:
"Migrations" exceeded the block limit (with a gas value you set).
then I increase the gas value, I get an error again:
ran out of gas (using a value you set in your network config or deployment parameters.
can I automatically get the gas value in truffle-config file for ropsten?
thank you
ropsten: { provider: ()=> new HDWalletProvider(process.env.TEST_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY, ${process.env.INFURA_ROPSTEN_ADDRESS}${process.env.INFURA_ROPSTEN_KEY}), network_id: process.env.ROPSTEN_NETWORKID, gas: 64716347 // gas limit of last block on ropsten //gasPrice: 10000000000 }