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Kenzo Agada's user avatar
Kenzo Agada's user avatar
Kenzo Agada
  • Member for 2 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

what does ERC721 _checkOnERC721Received do?

4 votes

Uniswap Router initialization in Ethereum mainnet versus BSC

3 votes

Why can't I loop over a mapping in Solidity?

3 votes

_safeMint not found or not visible

2 votes

Gas efficient way to generate multiple different random numbers

2 votes

Given a large random number, what is the most gas-efficient way to get a further set of "unpredictable" smaller numbers?

2 votes

Execute instructions later

2 votes

Random String Appears After Token Symbol on Opensea

2 votes

Calculate staking rewards

2 votes

Why does the implementation contract give me the wrong token symbol when called from ethers?

2 votes

How to calculate $10 of ETH without arithmetic overflow

2 votes

Ethers.js - Error when calling the mint function with eth value

2 votes

uniswap constant formula seems confusing

2 votes

Bulk Distribution of NFTs to Wallets with Varying Quotas

2 votes

How do I check the number of token holders?

1 vote

How to prove that a certain payment has been made by a certain user?

1 vote

Smartcontract failed (created by scam hacker). Status reverted. Is money gone? please advice

1 vote

swapExactTokensForETH transaction reverted, `UniswapV2: K` error (with gas wasting), selling with Uniswap GUI works fine

1 vote

Why can't I access the Uniswap v3 Factory .getPool() function?

1 vote

Estimating cost to publish a contract

1 vote

Cannot approve or sell token swapExactTokensForTokens: transaction fails (not a honeypot)

1 vote

How do I connect to metamask from web app on mobile devices?

1 vote

Unexpected "catch Error" Behavior

1 vote

What's the reason why an ERC1155 token can't be burned by a different address?

1 vote

Saving and referencing created contract attributes

1 vote

Claiming rewards in P2E game

1 vote

Message call to another contract with argument not working

1 vote

Interaction of smart contract with mobile wallet/ wallet connect

1 vote

delegatecall approve of an ERC20 contract

1 vote

Contract does not accept eth sent from another contract