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Zak Ayesh's user avatar
Zak Ayesh's user avatar
Zak Ayesh
  • Member for 3 years
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

Request multiple random number at once on chainlink VRF

5 votes

How Chainlink VRF fulfillRandomWords() callback function works?

4 votes

Chainlink Keepers - Multiple Upkeeps in a Single Contract

3 votes

Chainlink Alarm Clock fullfill method never called?

2 votes

Getting an error even using the same compiler version (Visual Code)

2 votes

Getting error member `add` not found when using ChainlinkClient.sol v0.8.0

1 vote

Chainlink "Any API" Returning 0

1 vote

Why some ERC20 tokens have different Transfer event ABI signature than Transfer(address,address,uint256)?

1 vote

ChainlinkClient.sol v0.8.0 NOT working (request.add("get", "<url>"))

1 vote

Chainlink oracle vs node vs node operator

1 vote

Chain link Aggregator v3 Interface error?

1 vote

Chainlink VRF very slow - 20+ minutes for response to fulfillRandomness on Rinkeby

1 vote

Solidity chainlink/AggregatorV3Interface decimals() returns number 8 always

1 vote

Using ChainlinkVRF vs ChainlinkClient createRequestTo to get a random number

1 vote

Run Binance Smart Chain Price Feeds from Chainlink on Testnet

1 vote

Not receiving LINK from Chainlink kovan faucet

1 vote

Is there a mechanism for fair, trustless Chainlink oracle pricing?

1 vote

How to build Chainlink request so that the response will be sent to another contract?

0 votes

Best way to get notified when fallback arrived

0 votes

How do I force a Chainlink price oracle to return a diffrent price for an asset with Hardhat mainnet forking?

0 votes

Trying to use the latest price data using Chainlink in Remix it throws me an error

0 votes

how chainlink aggregates

0 votes

how do i change the price feed token from eth /usd to busd/usd with the chainlink oracle?