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Yilmaz's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Difference between keccak256 and sha3

6 votes

What is calldata?

5 votes

What is the difference between HD Node and Wallet in ethers.js?

3 votes

What is Ticks on Uniswap?

3 votes


3 votes

What does ERC721URIStorage actually mean?

2 votes

What does it really mean to burn tokens?

2 votes

What's the interfaceID for ERC-20?

2 votes

Error uploading file to IPFS: HTTPError: project id required

2 votes

How can I connect to metamask in pyscript?

2 votes

Accessing to a contract's public array from javascript

2 votes

Smart Contract Error: Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?

2 votes

How does Ethash work?

2 votes

Difference between window.ethereum and window.web3?

2 votes

Delete all elements from an array?

2 votes

What is the best practise to storage large data in smart contract

2 votes

Decentralization status of rollups with a single validator

2 votes

Decode multicall bytes[] into readable format?

1 vote

Can't load ethereum object from metamask-react in TypeScript

1 vote

Public view getter functions generated for array variables throw error

1 vote

Hardhat - How to interact with a deployed contract?

1 vote

Confused about the function of these lines of test code

1 vote

how deploy() in web3 works?

1 vote

callvalue opcode, for what?

1 vote

Is signing a transaction using a meta mask an essential feature of the NFT marketplace?

1 vote

Is possible to prevent front-running using own contract to do swaps in Uniswap?

1 vote

I am unable to deploy a smart contract(Simple Storage) to hardhat programmatically

1 vote

What is a big number, and why are big numbers used?

1 vote

I get the error of "ReferenceError: accounts is not defined"

1 vote

Is Polygon (Matic) a layer-2 or a sidechain?

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