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Tony Dang's user avatar
Tony Dang
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
1 vote

How can an ethereum node read a contract call arguments?

1 vote

Call a view function of an Ethereum Smart Contract using a program written in C

0 votes

Logs from Web3.js application and Smart Contract

0 votes

How to add website link to erc20 token on

0 votes

Created Crowdsales contract, sending ropsten ETH to the contract and Failed

0 votes

zeppelinSales contract constructor expected 3 arguments, received 0

0 votes

Reading the result of a function that change state by using events in Solidity

2 votes

Type address is not implicitly convertible to expected type contract ERC20

0 votes

How can i do to interact with web3 on the server side?

0 votes

Any way to do compile-time computation using rational_const and a constant value?

0 votes

Remix always throws the error: exceeds block gas limit

1 vote

How to set msg.sender when reading data from a MyEtherWallet contract

2 votes

EVM Contract Testing with JS issue - ReferenceError: artifact is not defined

0 votes

Function to return tuples throws error on frontend

0 votes

How transaction with gas used ok 28k succeed for payable?

0 votes

How to get token from new smart contract to my erc20 wallet

2 votes

how to create multiple owners : Solidity

1 vote

How To Sync Ethereum Node?

0 votes

Can anyone explain what is the main purpose of events in solidity and when to use it?

0 votes

Ethereum Code Fork on Github : How to incorporate the majority of Ethereum updates quickly and seamlessly

3 votes

Upgradeable smart contracts

0 votes

How geth verify the rewards for miner in ethereum?

0 votes

Locally submitted transactions to the light node gets lost if the node is restarted

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