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kuzdogan's user avatar
kuzdogan's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
11 votes

Why use the ERC165 standard?

9 votes

Enabling truffle compile optimizer does not change the deployment gas cost

4 votes

What is use of HDWalletProvider in Truffle config?

3 votes

Gas estimation failed - remix

3 votes

Is it possible to get the "creation bytecode" of an already deployed contract in Solidity?

2 votes

Extracting salt from tx's to the CREATE2 deployer contract 0x4e59b44847b379578588920ca78fbf26c0b4956c

2 votes

Bytecode: Does it Reveal What Language it Was Programmed In?

2 votes

Truffle migrate --network ropsten always runs development network

1 vote

truffle migrate fails with: Error encountered, bailing. Network state unknown

1 vote

Why does a miner still pay gas for a reverted transaction?

1 vote

Is it safe to publish to IPFS when deploying in Remix?

1 vote

window ethereum networkVersion undefined

1 vote

`eth_getTransactionByHash` returns `null` for older transactions. Why? When?

0 votes

Exceptions when compiling a contract using Solidity version 0.6.0 on Remix

0 votes

Sourcify is failing to verify a contract that is verified on etherscan. Why?

0 votes

Verification of a proxy contract not working because of constructor args

0 votes

How do you launch a custom develop blockchain in truffle?

0 votes

Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: "" from web3