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btc4cash's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years
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5 votes

Is there API to create Ether wallet?

3 votes

Web3: How do I get just the first account on testrpc using web3.eth.getAccounts()?

3 votes

Create account via infura - ropsten network

2 votes

How to generate Ethereum address in PHP?

1 vote

Generate Ethereum address in PHP?

1 vote

What does "Migration" means?

1 vote

Please provide PHP example for eth_sendRawTransaction

1 vote

web3 js php implementation

1 vote

Can Ethereum tokens representing real-world assets carry variable data (state, units, type, etc.)?

1 vote

How do Dapps work with ERC20 tokens?

1 vote

iexec: is tokens on ropsten network cost some real money

1 vote

Rookie: How to properly start Ethereum console?

1 vote

ICO Token sale payment process

1 vote

Invalid JSON RPC response when calling a function

1 vote

redirect to html page in truffle 'app.js'

1 vote

Can the smart contracts guarantee that I can get the coffee that I paid in cryptocurrency?

1 vote

Is there a way to use Geth as a blockchain explorer without downloading the blockchain?

1 vote

Payable function that should not accept the money if X but still write changes

0 votes

Web3 - Cannot get accounts

0 votes

Web3j generate new address in a wallet

0 votes

How can I Airdrop tokens to multiple address

0 votes

Verify Contract Code Eth

0 votes

How secure is messaging to smart contracts?

0 votes

Expected token Semicolon got 'Identifier' Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);

0 votes

Ethereum Smart Contract for crowdsale with KYC verification

0 votes

Dapp not conecting (through web3) when called from browser which dont have node running on it

0 votes

How do I know if this fake token is ERC20?

0 votes

cannot pass any parameters to solidity contract on create button in remix

0 votes

Transfer Ownership of a Token Contract

0 votes

Problem with decimals when setting price for ico