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Jesbus's user avatar
Jesbus's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Fryslân, Netherlands
1 vote

Block gas limit lower than required to deploy a contract

1 vote

Storage Address of Smart Contract Variables

1 vote

all erc 721 tokens being collectibles

1 vote

Crypto exchanges comparison spreadsheet

1 vote

can you send ethereum to the same address you sent from?

1 vote

Operation error transfer 300ETH to smart contract

1 vote

Instantiating a contract with ether

1 vote

How can I see the attributes of my smart contract when an "object" is returned?

1 vote

Transaction out of gas despite much higher gas price than almost identical transaction at same time that is fully mined

1 vote

Renounced ownership

1 vote

why is preloading uint256 array into memory for a for loop faster?

1 vote

Confused about the function of these lines of test code

1 vote

Call a zero-initialized variable of internal function type

1 vote

Address casting into contract implicit conversion

1 vote

Can you pass events as parameters to functions?

1 vote

Transfer function gives infinite gas warning in remix

1 vote

How much is visible to someone who looks at a contract without having the ABI definition?

1 vote

Safe guarding my wealth

1 vote

Accidently sent ERC 20 tokens to an ETH address on Binance

1 vote

Do I have control over my account or not?

1 vote

I Lost My Ethereum Wallet Backup

1 vote

Can I mine Ethereum from AMD Laptop?

1 vote

Why Blockchain?

1 vote

Is ApproveAndCall also vulnerable to double withdrawal attack as is Approve?

1 vote

Interacting with dapps using wrapper smart contract (and not personal accounts)

1 vote

Unusual error with bytes calldata

1 vote

Refund Ether stored in a Contract

1 vote

Calculating a hash of a set of keys in Solidity

1 vote

Can ERC20 tokens be traded on other blockchain based decentralized exchange?

1 vote

Overriding function of a deployed contract

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