By Day: I am a Software Architect in awesome StartUp company in an Insurance Domain. Lots of learning, lots of coding, lots of failing, lots of coming back with a bang and more over lots of enjoyment in doing what I do.
By Night: I am a wannabe super cool Dad like "Bat Dad" and a caring husband.
By Mid-Night: I am a wannabe entrepreneur who learns lots of emerging technologies and trending stuffs.
Hobby: Loves Bikes, Cars, Trucks and pretty much anything that has wheels
//This method is to reduce the cognitive complexity of prepareColumns method
function setTabValues(newTabs: FundFinderTabsType[], parsedColumns: FundFinderColumnType[]) {
for (const tab of newTabs) {
tab.label = dictionary[tab.label];
for (const column of tab.columns) {
column.label = column.label ? dictionary[column.label] : dictionary[column.accessor];
if (column.tooltip) {
column.tooltip = dictionary[column.tooltip];
if (tab.label === 'Literature') {
tab.columns = parsedColumns;
if (tab.label === 'Fund Facts') {
const colsWithNewName = handleColsName(tab.columns);
tab.columns = colsWithNewName;
return newTabs;
This function iterates the returned data and extracts the names of the documentType stored on literatureCols
and sets them as the new columns for the literature tab and updates labels with the received dictionary
const prepareColumns = useCallback(
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity, react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
(retrievedData: FundFullItem[], groupTab: GroupFundFinderTabsType): FundFinderTabsType[] => {
const newTabs: FundFinderTabsType[] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(groupTab.tabs));
const cols = [];
for (const fund of retrievedData) {
const { literatureCols } = fund;
literatureCols && cols.push(literatureCols);
const literatureColsNames = [ Set(cols.flat())].filter((col) => col !== 'CUSIP');
const parsedColumns: FundFinderColumnType[] = => {
return { label: col, accessor: col as keyof FundFullItem };
const tickerIndex = parsedColumns.findIndex((column) => column.accessor === 'TICKER');
if (parsedColumns && parsedColumns.length > 0) {
parsedColumns[tickerIndex].label = 'TICKER & CUSIP';
parsedColumns[tickerIndex].sortFieldType = 'string';
parsedColumns.unshift({ label: 'Fund Name', accessor: 'offeringName', sortFieldType: 'string' });
return setTabValues(newTabs, parsedColumns);
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps