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ceseshi's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 6 months
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3 votes

what is the correct way to define a custom error

3 votes

Why Read-only reentrancy needs extra contract?

3 votes

Do dune analytics `creation_traces` data include contracts created by other contracts?

3 votes

Foundry tests fails with EvmError: Revert Counterexample, when calling transfer

2 votes

Copy-pasting Ethereum address will give a wrong address

2 votes

transfering msg.value from user to contract give error

2 votes

How Foundry knows if the build is already done or not?

2 votes

How can I decode a low-level return data from a reverting call?

2 votes

How the price of a token is defined?

2 votes

Is it possible to brute force the missing part of my Ethereum private key?

2 votes

How is the ethereum network protected against bombardment with invalid transactions?

2 votes

What's the sort value of an address?

1 vote

Stuck transaction tried everything!

1 vote

How to solve this problem remixide111

1 vote

How to know Method ID of a code

1 vote

Why can I deploy contract on REMIX even if I set the gas limit to be 0?

1 vote

Getting "Insufficient allowance" error in remix

1 vote

How to access a mapping from another contract with enums

1 vote

Call revert exception error

1 vote

Help - MEV Contract

1 vote

Abi encode / decode mystery additional 32 byte field Uniswap v2

1 vote

How can I decode a low-level return data from a reverting call?

0 votes

what is the difference between address and target in ethers

0 votes

Read from a state variable without sending a transaction

0 votes

delegateCall to a function of an upgradeable contract (TransparentUpgradeable)

0 votes

Type function () view external returns (int256) is not implicitly convertible to expected type int256

0 votes

How to check state value by using cast in Foundry?

0 votes

Contract cannot receive ETH if they don't have 'payable'?

0 votes

Does a blank space matter? - (bool sent,)

0 votes

No Matching Function