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ryepdx's user avatar
ryepdx's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
20 votes

How to quickly test a Solidity function?

13 votes

Is it impossible to use an array of strings as the argument to solidity function?

9 votes

Is it possible to mine slowly?

9 votes

What are payment channels? Can they be implemented on Ethereum?

8 votes

What is PoWhash?

8 votes

Ethereum event log maximum size

7 votes

Will Ethereum be the Internet 2.0?

6 votes

How to prove anything as "mine" on Ethereum?

6 votes

web3.sha3 dealing with hex in both geth and web3.js

5 votes

What is the Global Registrar?

4 votes

Custom token not displayed in Wallet

2 votes

Contract functions not triggered

2 votes

Repository and packaging standard for open-source smart-contract modules

2 votes

What's the header hash displayed in the miner?

1 vote

Do economic bets by miners fail to ensure security if the Notional Value of a contract exceeds that of the largest such bets?

1 vote

How can I log an event with indexed fields in Remix?