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faher ali's user avatar
faher ali
  • Member for 2 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Lahore, Pakistan
1 vote

How do I limit the number of ERC721 NFTs per account?

1 vote

What is "sqrtPriceLimitX96" for in Uniswap?

1 vote

I want to get retuen enum return value in string ...but its showing expected only uint256

1 vote

how to clear Terminal of Remix IDE?

1 vote

What is the purpose of "unchecked" in Solidity?

1 vote

How can I create a Factory of TransparentUpgradeableProxy?

1 vote

How to withdraw from contract plus interest

0 votes

I'm new to Solidity. I'm trying to create a getter function for an array which should return type address, but I'm getting the attached error

0 votes

identify past malicious transitions on blockchain?

0 votes

Getter and Setter Functions in Solidity not showing any output

0 votes

How and which value to set for supplyDelta in the rebase function

0 votes

access to the ropsten history

0 votes

Is there a way to implement cross chain contract calls

0 votes

How data is being retrieved from the blockchain using only the address of a smart contract

0 votes

Undeclared identifier error for modifier

0 votes

Undeclared identifier for OnlyOwner modifier

0 votes

Ethers: Get transaction hash without sending transaction

0 votes

Is this video a scam? I want to get into flashloans

0 votes

flashloan increase price of token in AMM

0 votes

Uniswap swap doesn't give equivalent swapping price

0 votes

Is there a time oracle for a Solidity calendar library?

0 votes

How to access external knowledge / data in a smart contract

0 votes

What NFT marketplaces have currently implemented EIP-2981?

0 votes

What's the relationship between smart contract and NFT collections?