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Ali Murtaza's user avatar
Ali Murtaza's user avatar
Ali Murtaza
  • Member for 2 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

What is "|" operator?

2 votes

How can I perform float type division in solidity?

2 votes

Why are clouds like Pinata are used to host NFTs rather just using IPFS desktop?

2 votes

What determines when etherscan will automatically verify a contract?

1 vote

Converting Chainlink oracle response (int256) to uint256

1 vote

how to call a rest api into smart caontract

1 vote

goerli Eth is not showing in my metamask wallet testnet

1 vote

Forge-std/Test.sol imported and working but VSCode marks an error

1 vote

Question about whitelist with mapping(solidity)

0 votes

To check transferred ethers with variable value

0 votes

i have been trying to deploy mocks for my hardhat-raffle , but i encountered this problem

0 votes

Is automating the withdraw of a NFT smart contract a good idea?

0 votes

ethers.js version 6: TypeError: wallet.getTransactionCount is not a function

0 votes

Impementing AggregatorV3Interface into the contract throws Error: cannot estimate gas

0 votes

Pls how do I create a nested array in solidity

0 votes

Solidity code testing

0 votes

Getting this error on Remix "TypeError: Data location must be "memory" or "calldata" for parameter in function,but none was given." compiling contract