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8 votes

How to spoof accounts using Foundry?

There is even a simpler solution than suggested by adijo. address someUser = vm.addr(somePrivateKey); To get the private key either use an integer > 0, or do it more properly like this string ...
Yves Boutellier's user avatar
8 votes

change transaction msg.value and msg.sender on hardhat test

It seems like the value you entered is a bit too small. I think this is why the transaction value is 0. await contract.placeBet(, 2, { value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.5") }); // msg....
trizin's user avatar
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7 votes

Foundry: skip specifics tests

In addition to the @Olivier Demeaux answer. If I needed to skip some tests I would do Make tests internal/private. Forge will run only public or external tests Remove the "test" word to ...
AGJoYy's user avatar
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7 votes

Foundry pranking different in test contract vs contract

Your understanding is correct. The prank cheatcode only applies to calls made from your tests; you cannot use the prank cheatcodes to change the msg.sender of the test functions themselves. To quote ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
5 votes

Run a single hardhat test file

$ yarn hardhat test ./test/ContratA.test.js Should work as the command line helper message explains: $ yarn hardhat test --help Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] test [--bail] [--deploy-fixture] [-...
always_beta's user avatar
4 votes

Network ropsten doesn't show in metamask

It's off by default, in extended settings.
D. Ježík's user avatar
4 votes

How to inject a fake value while testing a contract?

The short answer is you can't so have to design contracts with a testing plan in mind. In my opinion, the root of the problem is the hard-coded oracle address. This could be abstract, allowing oracle ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a way to reset ETH balance in hardhat test cases?

Yes, you can use the hardhat method hardhat_setBalance during tests. Alternatively you can revert all state changes by taking / reverting back to snapshots.
Markus Schick's user avatar
4 votes

Foundry: skip specifics tests

Yes you can! You just have to add "no_match_test" to your foundry.toml file, then the name of the test. I ran my tests, then added the line no_match_test = "testClaimTreasure" to ...
Olivier Demeaux's user avatar
4 votes

Foundry: skip specifics tests

For any forge test, we support filtering via matches. ➜ ~ forge t --help Run the project's tests. Usage: forge test [OPTIONS] Options: -h, --help Print help information (use `-h` for a ...
Georgios Konstantopoulos's user avatar
3 votes

How to spoof accounts using Foundry?

We can do this using Cheatcodes using the addr function: pragma solidity ^0.8.6; import "ds-test/test.sol"; interface CheatCodes { // Gets address for a given private key, (privateKey) =...
adijo's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

How to debug a solidity test

Some possible options to test things: Use Hardhat console.log. Use Tenderly Explorer (you can use testnet verified contracts or even local contracts using their CLI) or if the contract is on testnet,...
remedcu's user avatar
  • 372
3 votes

How to test abstract contracts using truffle?

No, it is not possible to test them since you can't deploy abstract contracts. Therefore, you need to write a contract that inherits it, using the keyword "is" and implements all abstract ...
cryptphil's user avatar
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3 votes

Accessing data of struct in mapping externally

There are 2 issues: you try calling the getters of the transactions mapping using a wrong syntax: args are between parenthesis, not brackets (ie change multisig.transactions[id] for multisig....
DrGorilla.eth's user avatar
2 votes

Verify a signature generated with web3 in solidity

Have a look at this: Sign message with web3 and verify with openzeppelin-solidity ECDSA.sol Notice this little switcheroo: signature = signature.substr(0, 130) + (signature.substr(130) == "00&...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
  • 55.6k
2 votes

How to run hardhat tests on a testnet?

Make sure your accounts have balances. And you can config the timeout depends on each network by adding a timeout property in milliseconds ( example:...
Majd TL's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I mock ERC20 in build-in truffle test suite?

Take a look at the OpenZeppelin presets, follow this link for the ERC-20 ones. EDIT : Giving you an example on how to use it (assuming Openzeppelin v4) : First import the preset file, ex : pragma ...
hroussille's user avatar
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2 votes

Hardhat stuck testing in mainnet by default

For anyone looking for the answer, actually for some reason even tho it IS indeed the hardhat local that is running the test in the background, .getDefaultProvider().getNetwork() shows "homestead&...
SoftError's user avatar
2 votes

how to subctract in type script big numbers?

The ethers.utils.parseEther function returns a BigNumber. To make arithmetic operations on it you must explicitely call the operation implementation, in your case that would be the .sub method which ...
hroussille's user avatar
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2 votes

How to unit-test a contract using chainlink VRF v2?

Here's an article I wrote on this which might help: Chainlink provides mocks for data feeds aggregator and VRF (v1 ...
Abhik Banerjee's user avatar
2 votes

Convert big number to number on hardhat tests

You're getting an overflow error, because javascript can't represent this number with enough accuracy. Even if you were able to convert it to a number, comparing it with any other would not be ...
phaze's user avatar
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2 votes

How to spoof accounts using Foundry?

Sure, here's an example. First, run forge init, this will instantiate a new foundry project with the latest project structure using forge-std, Foundry's standard library which contains a bunch of ...
Georgios Konstantopoulos's user avatar
2 votes

How to write unit test in hardhat?

When you create a new hardhat project there is a really good example test. The docs also explain it step by step You can run the test for the default ...
Enrique Alcázar Garzás's user avatar
2 votes

Using modifiers in Foundry `test`

It is safe to use modifiers in tests, but I cannot speak to whether it is good practice or not. It definitely does not seem to be common practice. The main reason we have not used modifiers in example ...
onbjerg's user avatar
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2 votes

hardhat: want to test an emit event that is in a library

When you have a contract that emits an event in an underlying library instead of the contract itself, since the contract doesn't contain the ABI of the event you probably face this error: ...
Mahdi Darabi's user avatar
2 votes

Property 'revertedWithCustomError' does not exist on type 'Assertion'

Ok I resolved this. The documentation in both their website and in the post I reference are off. I created a new typescript project using npx hardhat and realized they import ethers through hardhat-...
Potion's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do i always get this error whenever i use forge test?

can it be that you have other 'forge' cli installed?, my help looks different: javiermac@Donosos-MacBook-Pro spool-foundry % forge help Build, test, fuzz, debug and deploy Solidity contracts. Usage: ...
donoso.eth's user avatar
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2 votes

How to assign and send ether value together with deployment of contract using Foundry

As long as your constructor is marked payable, you can modify your test like this: function setUp() public { test = new testContract{value: 777}( Owner; ); } You can ...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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2 votes

What's a good test network right now?

Rinkeby testnet is deprecated. The only available testnet for Ethereum as of now, is Ethereum Sepolia, having ETH Chain Id value of 11155111. In MetaMask, you can switch to Sepolia testnet by toggling ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
2 votes

Attempting to write to Sepolia using Forge fails

You're not seeing any changes in your live contract on Sepolia Etherscan because running forge test doesn’t change values on a live deployed contract, even with --rpc-url set to a live network like ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar

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