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8 votes

Are there Ethereum Wallets (other that Mist) that provide support for test-network

The word light-wallet or light-client can mean a number of things. There is the fast-sync'd versions of geth and parity which reduce the amount of data necessary on your hard drive. There are also ...
tayvano's user avatar
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6 votes

Are there Ethereum Wallets (other that Mist) that provide support for test-network

MyEtherWallet has testnets: Ropsten
MirceaMoca's user avatar
4 votes

How does a Jaxx backup phrase work?

The passphrase mechanism is accurately described in BIP 39 How Ethereum keys are derived is described here
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
3 votes

Jaxx Wallet QR Code shows IBAN and etherscan shows 0 balance

Jaxx offers something called an HD or Hierarchical Deterministic wallet which uses your initial seed to generate new addresses each time you make a transaction. This is designed to increase privacy ...
danielmcclure's user avatar
2 votes

How can I call contract's function from the Jaxx wallet?

You should try Metamask. It's a browser extension injecting web3js into the browser. You can use it to interact with your apps smart contracts.
digitaldonkey's user avatar
2 votes

Are there Ethereum Wallets (other that Mist) that provide support for test-network

Is a Light-wallet If you are nosy, you can try out the latest nightly build of Parity and run: parity --light To play around with the experimental light client. If you just want to use your ...
q9f's user avatar
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2 votes

Can JAXX store a cryptocurrency based on Ethereum?

Can I suggest you read about key management? Generally speaking the private keys for most crypto currencies (if not all), are valid across the board. However, wallet implementations differ because ...
T9b's user avatar
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2 votes

Currency tab reflects 1ETH = $0.00

Issue in progress Wait and see
Vix18's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any ETH wallet without transaction fees?

I don't think it's possible NOT to have any transaction fees. Like centralized apps (paypal, etc.) you need transaction fees to cover for maintenance for their servers. With Ethereum and other ...
mateeyow's user avatar
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How do I access my ether from my unencrypted private keys?

MyEtherWallet is able to do this. It can access an account based on the private key only, e.g. the "Send Ether & Tokens" or the "View Wallet Info" tabs. Select "Private Key" as the access method. ...
benjaminion's user avatar
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1 vote

CIVIC tokens in old Jaxx address

You can export your JAXX private key and import it in MyEtherWallet to work around limitations in JAXX user interface:
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
1 vote

Sent Ether to ICO from my Jaxx wallet - How can I get token to show in my Etherwallet?

You need the token contract address and number of decimals. The company doing the ICO should provide you with this info. If not, you can search for the token on Etherscan. You can also find it by ...
Soggiorno's user avatar
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transaction failed due to running out of gas. Can I recoup this money?

If the transaction failed, then no ether was transferred. You can't recover what you spent on gas (~$0.03), but nothing happened to the rest of the ether. If Jaxx thinks the ether is gone, then that'...
user19510's user avatar
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1 vote

My transaction showing up in internal transactions??? How to acquire it?

Internal transactions, despite the name "aren't actual transactions", and aren't included directly in the blockchain; they are value transfers that were initiated by executing a smart contract (smart ...
Azarielle's user avatar
1 vote

Help Unlocking a Wallet

Try entering the mnemonic here:, and set the "coin" to "ETH - Ethereum". Then flip through the "derived addresses." I downloaded the Jaxx Chrome extension and generated a ...
user19510's user avatar
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1 vote

Annotating Transactions

You can do this if you login to now. Very bottom of the transaction page. As simple as it gets.
tayvano's user avatar
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Is there any ETH wallet without transaction fees?

Logically it is not possible since you have to pay gas fee in order to deploy your transaction. Basically each transaction has a base cost of 21,000 Gas, for the transfer of funds. In your wallet, it ...
alper's user avatar
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Currency tab reflects 1ETH = $0.00

I have the exact same problem as the currency balance was not updating the last few days. I did the reset and now it shows zero as the currency balance, but I can see the amount of ETH. I submitted a ...
Patrik's user avatar
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1 vote

Jaxx backup phrase doesn't work?

Did you check the words you wrote down by re-entering the phrase into the phone at the time you made the copy? Otherwise, you might have made the same mistake several times (less problematic with ...
lungj's user avatar
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