2 votes

Execution Reverted due to UniswapV2-Pair creation in constructor

The UniswapV2Router02 address you're using is not available for the Sepolia testnet. Instead, the corresponding address for the Sepolia testnet is 0xC532a74256D3Db42D0Bf7a0400fEFDbad7694008. ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
2 votes

Why dynamic arrays seem to be empty when they are part of an event?

The indexed parameters of events are not stored directly in the event logs. Instead, the Keccak-256 hashes of these parameters are stored. This is particularly relevant for dynamic types like arrays. ...
ali konuk's user avatar
1 vote

How is hardhat a dev dependency?

Installing Hardhat as a dev dependency means that it’s only required for development purposes, such as compiling, testing, and deploying contracts. Once the development process is complete and you ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
1 vote

Why doesn't `transfer` to owner change its balance?

The value you sent in this line is in wei. await addr2Contract.testTransfer({ value: 100 }); 100 wei is equal to 0,0000000000000001 eth. It is possible that the two values are different, but your ...
Coriolan Pinhas's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to verify contracts on polygon Amoy testnet

I've asked regarding this issue on OKLink Discord channel, and they've responded. So, the correct configuration to be used in the hardhat.config.js would be: etherscan: { apiKey: { ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
1 vote

ethers.utils.solidityKeccak256 in hardhat test file

If you are on ethers v6, try this: const message = ethers.solidityPackedKeccak256( ['address', 'bytes32', 'uint256'], [userAddr, nonce, ammount] );
user133751's user avatar
1 vote

how to access to a public mapping from test script

If you are accessing a mapping that is some type to an array type, you need to pass the array index that you'd like to access as well. For example: access first element in the returned list console....
Rumbledore's user avatar

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