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Confirm a multisg transaction via the safe-apps-react-sdk

I think this is not the right way but you can do the following Or you can just ditch the idea of using safe-react-sdk and manually send the transaction and signature. For that, you need to create a ...
Jaskaran Singh's user avatar
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Get all transactions from/to a Gnosis address

Based on my experience, the simplest way to approach this is with Alchemy, however currently the Gnosis chain is not supported by the Alchemy SDK. Basically, all coin tokens share the same event ...
Mila A's user avatar
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Multisend token details not available in Safe

Each item in multiSend is unique txn. You can identify the token, amount and address receiving the funds by decoding the calldata. A simpler way to decode this for all txn's that have value != 0 and ...
Bapi Reddy's user avatar
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Safe UI cannot show transaction history for a local setup

Looks like this question relates to Safe{Wallet}, not Safe{Core}. Feel free to reach out to for topics related to our UI! Hope it helps, Louis
Louis - Safe Core Team's user avatar
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What should be value of _singleton variable in deployProxy method?

The regular singleton doesn't emit events for gas savings reasons and requires a tracing node for indexing. The L2 version emits events that can be used for indexing.
mikheevm's user avatar
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How can my contract withdraw tokens that are owned by a Gnosis Safe wallet?

You need to set the allowance on the USDC contract itself and approve your deposit contract address as spender. And then initiate the deposit transaction to the contract. It goes something like this: ...
Ake's user avatar
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Not receiving attestations on Gnosis Node

Same hardware and no attestations for months now. The status of my nodes is acive exiting. (Kinda stange cause I didn't exit anything)
Valofoo's user avatar
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