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ZKsync deployment error: server returned an error response: error code 3: Failed to serialize transaction: toAddressIsNull

Despite the ZKsync documentation seeming to imply that the --zksync flag needing to be last, this issue arose due to the flag --constructor-args needing to be last: forge create src/RebaseTokenPool....
Ciara's user avatar
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What are μ,~ in the testing logs for foundry

μ (mu): represents the average gas usage across the fuzz test runs. In your example: μ: 31132 This means that the average gas consumption for the fuzzing test testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) was 31,132 ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
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How to call function with address[] memory parameter?

You can solve that by creating a dynamic array of fixed size instead of the static one, like: address A = address(0x0); address[] memory aa = new address[](1); aa[0] = A; X.initWallet(aa, 1, 0); If ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
2 votes

Using Forge, how can I output the contract content in the output metadata?

I believe what you're looking for is the use_literal_content compiler option: If set to true, changes compilation to only use literal content and not URLs.
Fiduro's user avatar
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How to expect a function call to not emit an event in foundry

It can be achieved with a combination of both vm.recordLogs and vm.getRecordedLogs. function test_myFunction_NoLogs() public { // Start recording logs. vm.recordLogs(); // Execute logic. ...
tinom9's user avatar
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Why in foundry I got lib/forge-std/lib folder empty?

Use :- forge install foundry-rs/forge-std --no-commit Add --no-commit flag ,if you are facing the error of github otherwise follow @AbdullahRizwan
sanujitmajhi's user avatar
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Sending transaction through web3 in React failing for contract managed in Foundry

There was a bug in the contracts. But I found that out by migrating the contract management to Hardhat. After using Hardhat, the error message in the React console said the error was from ...
Shiv Kumar's user avatar

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