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23 votes

Ropsten testnet is under kind of attack? What can we do?

Update - 25th March 2017 Ropsten has been revived! We are pleased to announce that the Ropsten testnet has been revived! Thanks to a generous donation of GPU hashpower, the Ropsten chain has ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
9 votes

Once I have created my new Crypto Currency, how may miners mine for my currency?

The miners will mine on the Ethereum Blockchain, they do not need to mine your currency specifically: they secure all contracts on the chain.
Olmo Ziarko's user avatar
7 votes

Mining solution found

This is because you are mining as part of a pool (nanopool), with that being said, any blocks found by the pool are mined collectively and the reward (5 ETH for a block + transaction fees or uncles) ...
Sifundo Moyo's user avatar
7 votes

How to do Ethash CPU mine using ethminer?

Please note the the github code I am sharing is forked from and Version 1.3.0 of etherminer that actually can do CPU mining, which is implemented around 1 year ...
alper's user avatar
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7 votes

What do miners get paid for mining on the Ropsten testnet?

Presently, Ropsten miners get paid in ether in the Ropsten blockchain for finding blocks, uncles, and transactions (via fees). The reward is currently the same number of Ropsten-ether as on the main ...
lungj's user avatar
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5 votes

Ropsten testnet is under kind of attack? What can we do?

Ropsten is to be considered dead, and parity launched a Proof of Authority testnet called Kovan. Read the proposal here: To update your testnet from ropsten ...
q9f's user avatar
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5 votes

is it possible to run pending transactions on local node to see the outcome?

You can totally simulated the transaction througth eth_call. Her are the code snippets of eth_call and apply transaction (source from go-ethereum): eth_call (could not change state) // Setup the ...
Peter Lai's user avatar
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4 votes

Once I have created my new Crypto Currency, how may miners mine for my currency?

Just to elaborate a little on Olmo's answer, your token is a Smart Contract. The entire Ethereum network works together to ensure Smart Contract code executes as written.
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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4 votes

Ropsten testnet is under kind of attack? What can we do?

If you've sent any transaction in last 48 hours or so, then it's because of the 51% attack on ropsten, which is not resolved yet. Follow the link below:
Vixon's user avatar
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4 votes

How to attach ethminer to parity node

Don't use cpp-ethereum, it's barely maintained. Use Genoil-ethereum for mining. Enable stratum support with parity --stratum, also make sure you set an author with --author <your-address> and ...
q9f's user avatar
  • 33k
4 votes

Mining stops after generating DAG for epoch

I assume you have started the miner using geth console. Why I'm saying this, I couldn't see --mine in your geth initiation command. This will be the same again even though miner is started. This ...
Seetharaman GR's user avatar
4 votes

How can I maximize the probability that my ETH nodes stay synchronized with mainnet for as long as possible?

My "cloud" nodes, on the otherhand, spend the majority (yes, the majority!) of their time lagging by hundreds (or even thousands) of blocks behind mainnet. Syncing heavily relies on the IOPS ...
n1cK's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I maximize the probability that my ETH nodes stay synchronized with mainnet for as long as possible?

Besides what Nikita said, there is the chance that your problem is related to which ports are open. Be sure to open port 30303 (or your discovery port) so other nodes can find you (if you want to) and ...
Hari GTT Psicolabis's user avatar
3 votes

How can i see the balance of my geth wallet?

You can use to check your balance without downloading the blockchain. Then select "View Wallet Info" > "View with Address Only".
Ismael's user avatar
  • 30.3k
3 votes

Brand new miner on Windows 10, with 1060 GTX 6gb

Try adding --no-precompute to your args list. I was struggling with a similar issue on a very similar setup and this is what got me back up and running again.
Ryan Lutz's user avatar
  • 146
3 votes

How to mine ethereum on Linux

Coinbase explicitly mentions you should not be mining to their wallet addresses. You CAN mine to any JAXX address though which makes an easy to use solution. Once you have a wallet setup on Jaxx, ...
mcstar's user avatar
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3 votes

Ropsten testnet is under kind of attack? What can we do?

Check this out ! Kovan to the rescue :)
Aurel IANCU's user avatar
3 votes

How do I set my Ethminer adress?

I am assuming you have ethminer installed.... you need to also be running your own node. The miner will not run without a node to run on top of. You can use geth or parity both are pretty popular. in ...
TovarishFin's user avatar
3 votes

Ethminer pool mining success log

It should look like this: 04:29:49.568|ethminer Solution found; Submitting to ... Submitted and accepted
speksy's user avatar
  • 146
3 votes

After leaving 1 hour my GPU mining ethereum via dwarfpool is it normal to be still at exactly zero?

Current understanding is that if you start mining a block on your own you might put your (single) machine in a very difficult situation in order to decrypt the block on it own and gain 5 ETH. You don'...
natewelch_'s user avatar
  • 12.2k
3 votes

Geth miner has 0 hashrate on private chain even with coinbase addr set and miner.start() called

I found out the reason this happened is that of the following: When I first created the Private chain, I had run the initialization with a different networkId. As I talked about in the comments, I ...
aquamanSam's user avatar
3 votes

Can Artificial Intelligence be used to mine ethereum faster?

Very unlikely. Machine learning is based on finding patterns in data, the very assumption of a good hashing function is that you gain no information about the data A seeing the hash of A nor you gain ...
Jaime's user avatar
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2 votes

ethminer not picking up Radeon R9 RX 480

Try placing the --opencl-device 1 at the end of the command so it looks something like this: ethminer -F -G --opencl-device 1 Also if you want to ...
tom cox's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

GPU can't allocate the DAG in a single chunk. Bailing?

I have fixed DAG error with completely uninstall AMD Drivers and installation of 14.1beta custom setup - Display Driver only. The newer 14.12 also didn't work. So if you install good AMD display ...
user5615's user avatar
2 votes

How to attach ethminer to parity node

I did run parity with additional --rpccorsdomain localhost flag. And able to start mining via: sudo ./ethminer -F http://localhost:8545. Please not forget to do: cd && rm -rf .ethash/
alper's user avatar
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2 votes

Ethminer "No GPU device with sufficient memory was found"

Specifying --opencl-platform 1 (2, 3, etc) before the -G key should help.
Sotha's user avatar
  • 151
2 votes

How can i see the balance of my geth wallet?

By going to and entering the public address of your wallet you can view your account balance. Further, you can put your account on a watch list and receive notifications from ...
Ulad Kasach's user avatar
2 votes

Getting weird OpenCL error messages and a 0 H/s benchmark result when mining. What could be wrong?

You can set these environment variables: export GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=100 export GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT=100 export GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=1 export GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS=1 export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=...
Remzi AKYÜZ's user avatar
2 votes

EthereumPool - what withdrawal means

You can see the statistics for any miner contributing to the pool by looking at the miner stats tab. For the address you posted you can see the stats here for example:
achapman's user avatar
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