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No arguments passed to the base constructor. Specify the arguments or mark contract as abstract

You are probably importing the newer versions of openzeppelin contracts, in which the constructor has an argument. This has been included to provide felixibilty to the deployer for adding another ...
Zartaj Afser's user avatar
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4 votes

Where is the best place to acquire large amounts of testnet eth?

The Chainstack Faucet distributes test tokens for the major Ethereum networks and more. You can get tokens for: Ethereum Sepolia — Use it to test DApps and smart contracts Ethereum Goerli — Use it to ...
Dave Dev Advocate Chainstack's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to allow a third-party relayer to spend ETH on your behalf?

The only options I can think of are: Sign a transaction sending Eth and give this to someone. They can broadcast this when/if they want to use your Eth. Lots of downsides, for example that the nonce ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
3 votes

Where in the code of this unstake function is ETH actually transferred?

The BridgeRouterFacet contract's unstakeETH() function: function unstakeEth(address bridge, uint88 zethAmount) external nonReentrant onlyValidBridge(bridge) { if (...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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2 votes

API to gather list of top token holders

Try Bitquery's Token holder API can provide details of token holders such as holder count, individual holder, holder with specific balance, and holders on specific blocks or dates. It also has things ...
Gaurav Agrawal's user avatar
2 votes

What does mean impersonate account in hardhat?

Impersonating accounts only works on hardhat network including forked chains. If you could impersonate accounts on live networks it would be a major security issue. You can access the balance and ...
Corey's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is Transaction Value showing 0 ETH on Etherscan?

This is not a transfer transaction. Rather, the transaction is the execution of a function of the smart contract. After executing this function of the smart contract, a number of internal transfer ...
Benyamin Karimi's user avatar
2 votes

Why is Transaction Value showing 0 ETH on Etherscan?

Since you are using Coinbase, the initial transaction you made didn't really contain the ETH, but instead, it made a contract call that triggered the actual transaction to send the ETH from Coinbase's ...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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2 votes

Despite calculation I get contract creation code storage out of gas

You will need to calculate the sum of the following values: 32000 gas - creating a contract 21000 gas - procedure call Gas per execution of creation code (initialization code + constructor. The ...
Alexey Smirnov's user avatar
2 votes

How to assign and send ether value together with deployment of contract using Foundry

As long as your constructor is marked payable, you can modify your test like this: function setUp() public { test = new testContract{value: 777}( Owner; ); } You can ...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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2 votes

Sending fix amount of ETH without manually input value in remix

Payment contract does not have 5 ether balance that is the reason why this is reverted. either have a receive(){} fallback to deposit eth to your contract, or send 5 ethers when sendEth() is called.
Nikhil's user avatar
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Uniswap web3 py buy token fails with execution reverted

This looks like a decent script & it should work. What I'd look for is: If your account has enough ETH for the swap If the token that you are trying to get as a result has fees in the contract &...
Ake's user avatar
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2 votes

Transferring Assets Between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain

In order to transfer assets between different chains, you need to use a bridge. The simplest way is to use Metamask's built in bridge function: ...
Ougi's user avatar
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2 votes

I need the address of the oracle service that provides football match results and related pricing information

You can use Chainlink Functions, and consume any available Football API. You can explore some of the available Football APIs from this list. First, you can follow Chainlink Functions Getting Started ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
2 votes

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parseEther')

ethers.utils.parseEther() is deprecated in newer versions (i.e., v6) of the Ethers library. You need to use ethers.parseEther() instead for compatibility with the latest version.
ALISHA REDDY's user avatar
1 vote

I fundend an ETH smartcontract using .sol and but cancelled contract before withdrawing the coins

Here's the etherscan link to the contract. I can see 2 transactions of transfer function. If you have any withdraw function on the smart contract, its possible otherwise sadly its not possible to ...
Pankaj Jagtap's user avatar
1 vote

Why is my _transfer function transfering all my tokens to the deadWallet?

You have to be careful with the message.sender: message.sender is the entity that makes the last function call. For example if you call a function A (of a contract C) that internally calls a ...
Torof's user avatar
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How should I handle tax that is less than my denominator?

One approach you could consider is to implement a tiered tax system. Instead of applying a flat tax rate to all transactions, you could have different tax rates for different transaction sizes. For ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
1 vote

Converting ETH from Ethereum Wallet to BNB on a (BSC) Wallet

You need to use some form of a "bridge" between different networks. Many services offer this functionality, some of which provide an API for your use. For instance, take a look at https://...
Alexander's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get chainlink price feed data for my national currency?

Chainlink data feed not only provides price of multiple asset values in units of USD(like BTC/USD, ETH/USD) but also provides the price of multiple fiats in units of USD. If you want to implement &...
Frank Kong's user avatar
1 vote

Error when using hardhat but changes made successfully onto smart contract, was able to see changes on etherscan

Solved: Just updated my ethers version to 6.6.4
kzb's user avatar
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Java Web3j - How to solve the error `invalid sender`?

I found why this error occurs. Above codes have no mistake. This error came from wrong chain Id. After using the correct chain id, the error is disappeared.
Pavlo Posternak's user avatar
1 vote

MethodUnavailable(error) when shifting from Ganache to Sepolia Testnet

Infura doesn't support eth_sendTransaction. (For it to support that, it would need to know your private key, but it's a shared public node.) You need to either sign the transaction yourself and then ...
ruby_newbie's user avatar
1 vote

Differentiate a swap and normal transfer on erc-20 token transaction

Depends on what volume you're trying to calculate, for instance if you are trying to calculate volume for a specific DEX pair, you could listen to Swap event (almost every pair has one) of that pairs ...
Fićo's user avatar
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I need help from Expert Dev for POS bot

It is hard to know exactly what your problem is there with no information on the code you deployed, but it sounds like you have been scammed. If someone gave you some Smart Contract code, that you ...
Pacdac's user avatar
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ETH sent default on BASE network sent on wrong network

There's on way to revert a transaction once it's executed, so your only chance is to access the same address on the different network. If you have the private key for the receiving address, you can ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
1 vote

Prices on Dexes

Price can change only between blocks. On ethereum a block lasts 12 seconds, during which the price doesn't change. Also if no trade happens in a block, the price still doesn't change. You're ...
0xSanson's user avatar
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Consolidate multiple Ethereum accounts

Yes, it's possible to consolidate your Ethereum wallets by transferring the Ether from each wallet to a single one. To do this, you simply initiate a transfer from each of the smaller wallets to the ...
ProWebTech's user avatar
1 vote

Despite calculation I get contract creation code storage out of gas

This is probably not a satisfactory answer, but it addresses some issues in your question. Generally it's impossible to predict the gas limit exactly. Especially without actually dry-running it. But ...
Albert Hendriks's user avatar
1 vote

How do I hide or mask the sending address when sending tokens or eth

In order to prevent funds from being easily tracked on the blockchain, you could use a Mixer. Mixers allow users to deposit an amount of tokens, and then withdraw the tokens from another address that ...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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