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10 votes

What is the bootnode command in the go-ethereum documentation?

I think it had previously been a part of the "Geth and Tools" release package, but it's gone missing... An issue was raised a couple of days ago: #3703 With regards to what it does, further up the ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
6 votes

How do nodes find peers without bootnodes?

yes there is some built-in bootstrap nodes you could check the code in github : Geth : // ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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5 votes

geth not connecting to private network

What am I missing? Please let me know if there is other information I can supply. Thank you. Next time tag your question with parity, to make sure I wont miss it :p Cross-client private networks: ...
q9f's user avatar
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4 votes

Node discovery: unreachable bootnode in private distributed network

Well, apparently the reason why the connection is being refused is that "'Connection refused' is ok for the Go bootnode. [as i]t does not accept TCP connections", as suggested by fjl in the go-...
Betty Sanchez's user avatar
4 votes

What is the bootnode command in the go-ethereum documentation?

bootnode is back in main source of go-ethereum (as of today). If you build from source, it will be available under build and for make you used; make all A network is initialized to a genesis state. ...
khawarizmi's user avatar
4 votes

The Ropsten bootnodes of the Eth Foundation are down, can anybody share any other?

Opening geth attach and adding some peers manually solved the problem for me. List of peers- admin.addPeer("enode://...
Shubham Chaudhary's user avatar
3 votes

creating a private boot node based on geth

It turns out something changed with the last versions of the bootnode tool, you need to run wit -v5 flag for ti to work like instructed in the tutorials. I still don't get why it is like that, but ...
Kaki Master Of Time's user avatar
3 votes

How to get Nodes on local Geth Private Network to Discover Peers OF THEIR PEERS

Bootnodes is a cheap and effective solution to aid the network self-discovery, but they need to catch up with a proper genesis file to isolate your network. When you run geth, the genesis block is ...
M. Riggi's user avatar
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3 votes

Does --nodekey work with geth or just bootnode?

Yes geth --nodkey=key.txt will (re)generate the same enode url repeatedly as the cli options would suggest. It wasn't working for me due to the unfortunate combination of a typo in my sh script and a ...
BrassApparatus's user avatar
3 votes

How many bootnodes are hardcoded into Ethereum clients?

Have a look in bootnodes.go. It's still 3 for the Geth clients: // ETH/DEV Go Bootnodes discover.MustParseNode("enode://...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
3 votes

MetaMask and Access Ethereum Private Chain from other PC in the same network (for test)

You can do it with using both ways, having the two computers networked together. Using Metamask; select network as Custom RPC put the custom url as http://[ComputerA's ip address]:[rpc port] eg: ...
Achala Dissanayake's user avatar
2 votes

Adding nodes in private network of docker containers hosted in different VMs

Prepare your nodekey for each node in advance. It is just a 512-bit random number. Then store them somewhere, along with the public ECDSA keys derived from there. The public keys are the components ...
hhh's user avatar
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2 votes

getsockopt: connection refused when running a bootnode

Finally it worked. I still don't really know what did it but I will list here some of the changes that got it to work. When I figure out what exactly did it I will update my answer. Use the --v5disc ...
Betty Sanchez's user avatar
2 votes

How does a program determine if the peer node is a bootnode or full node?

The RLPx protocol suite consists of at least two protocols: The Kademlia like discovery protocol, that involves UDP packets that are simply signed by the nodes and not encrypted The RLPx/devp2p ...
Briomkez's user avatar
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2 votes

Private Network Handshaking With External Pools

I am having a similar issue. I am not overriding the bootnode and therefore I am not using the --nodiscover flag. However, I have 2 nodes -sharing the same genesis file and network id, running on 2 ...
Betty Sanchez's user avatar
2 votes

bootnodes on Parity

To run a bootnode, you should increase your --max-peers to something sensible like 1024, make sure port 30303 is open (or whatever your node's network port is) Other than that, that's it. Bootnodes ...
q9f's user avatar
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2 votes

Ethereum local node bootnodes not working

I'm assuming the geth instances on your private testnet are run from the same machine? (As opposed to separate machines with their own VLAN) Adding --nodiscover flag prevents your nodes peering ...
zakcole's user avatar
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2 votes

Do bootnodes require trust?

Generally speaking, the answer is yes, there needs to be some sort of trust in the Ethereum network as a whole, i.e. there are more good people than bad. Yuval Marcus, Ethan Heilman and Sharon ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
2 votes

bootstrap node vs cmd/bootnode

The section Setting Up Networking here describes how to run a bootstrap node. It looks like you just need to provide the flag --nat with the IP address of the computer/server running the code when ...
Steven V's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I fix 'no matches found: enode` error when setting up private geth nodes?

I have found a solution. The enode link should be enclosed in double quotation marks, like this: ./geth --datadir node1 --port 30306 --bootnodes "enode://...
svr Sc's user avatar
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1 vote

Bootnode failure!

You may produce the enode from nodekey by using option of --writeaddress Refer to how to produce enode from node key?
Tom's user avatar
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1 vote

Can't create Bootnode

to get the enode address use the -writeaddress command bootnode -nodekeyhex 435601bfc51df236b310517ef2233c046cbede662ed5a3c0de5a37c785350d7f -writeaddress Insert your own bootkey (that was generated)...
Yanzal's user avatar
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1 vote

What is nodekey of bootnode command?

Bootnodes must be identified by an enode. Enodes are derived from private key. Full quote: Each ethereum node, including a bootnode is identified by an enode identifier. These identifiers are ...
Itération 122442's user avatar
1 vote

Bootnode connection error

You need to enable UDP rule for port 30310 for ec2 instance running bootnode. Problem while setting private ethereum network on AWS using bootnode
alexcoury's user avatar
1 vote

Implications of IP change on boot node?

What is the correct way to do this and what are the implications of this? You have to update the IP in the chain spec or in your bootnodes configuration. Otherwise, Parity won't know the route over ...
q9f's user avatar
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1 vote

How can we access private blockchain from another network?

You need to use same genesis file for both private-networks and keep the networkId same. The from first node type: admin.nodeInfo { enode: "enode://...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
1 vote

Bootnode Discovery with external IPs instead of local ones

So here is how I solved my issue. I host my kubernetes cluster in google cloud, but the same concepts should apply to any provider. First I created the clusters within a predefined VPC with subnets. ...
Fábio's user avatar
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1 vote

Bootnode command not found

Probably you have already got the answer but since this thread is answerless. So here is your answer. It was a bug in ethereum ci package (check here) and you can install bootnode with following ...
logeekal's user avatar
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1 vote

Different comportement when bootnodes are set in command line and in static-nodes.json

At least one difference between the two is that the --bootnodes argument sets explicitly the boot node addresses, whereas the static-nodes.json file sets the addresses of static full nodes (peers).
Gerhard's user avatar
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1 vote

Is Geth nodiscovery mode redundant behind a firewall without port forwarding

The --nodiscover option works the other way. If you run geth with this option, the geth node will not search for any peer and not connect to any peer. So yes, you will need a bootnode list or add ...
gisdev_p's user avatar
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