18 votes

How much faster is it to sync with --jitvm?

geth 1.5 is way faster but there are problems to keep connections with peers. When there is a high latency, it removes agressively the peer connection. I use the patch 2630 from Péter Szilágyi in the ...
Ellis's user avatar
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7 votes

Mining Performance of AMD Radeon Pro Duo

We just received ours ... 42m/h atm @ 370w ... mainly due to the 16.5.3 driver ...
BitsBeTrippin's user avatar
5 votes

Mining Performance of AMD Radeon Pro Duo

No benchmark looks to be available and i think it's due to the fact that this card looks to be very expensive and quantity is limited. However, the pro duo seems to be a radeon fury x2. So you can ...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any benchmark tool to test transaction speed?

The simplest would be to try it your own. use new Date().getTime() The getTime() method returns the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970. Example: First unlock your account: ...
Roland Kofler's user avatar
4 votes

How to remove/increase execution timeout of the geth's evm?

Ran into the same problem. Looking at the code, there seems to be a hardcoded timeout to 5 seconds.
laurids's user avatar
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4 votes

Good source for TPS and transaction latency / finality for private Ethereum blockchains

I can't speak to the others as I work on Quorum, but there are a few good sources that our team uses and references. Here is performance evaluation done by an external team with published method and ...
fixanoid's user avatar
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3 votes

Benchmarking energy usage of executing smart contracts

I would suggest this. Smart contract execution on EVM is effectively same as code execution on any (virtual) machine For each transaction, you can trace what "CPU" instructions were executed You can ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
3 votes

parity TPS optimization - please help

I faced a similar problem a while ago, there was a bottleneck on the time it took transactions to reach the mempool, this was due to the way I was sending them and the fact that they were being signed ...
Enrique Alcazar's user avatar
3 votes

How to remove/increase execution timeout of the geth's evm?

You can run geth with the --rpc.evmtimeout flag to change the 5s timeout. If you set it to 0 , then timeout will be infinite. Check geth --help for more info.
Chris Codes's user avatar
2 votes

How much faster is it to sync with --jitvm?

I did a few bench by myself and found as well that there is no significant impact of --jitvm. And I agree that geth 1.5.0 with patch is way faster.:) Note: the 1.4.6 version has these patchs and ...
yoregis's user avatar
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1 vote

Should I care about these benchmark values?

Not a concern. The redness is an artifact of the test framework that happens to think the times are a little on the high side. This is irrelevant. Transactions that arrive in blocks can be considered ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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1 vote

Official data about synchronization time

For Geth v1.9.0, look here for some new details on sync time. Describes all three modes and times including some changes that one should know about. https://blog.ethereum.org/2019/07/10/geth-v1-9-0/ ...
user55245's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a benchmarking tool to make some tests on the 7nodes quorum-example running on vagrant?

Chainhammer is likely the tool you should use: https://gitlab.com/electronDLT/chainhammer
fixanoid's user avatar
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1 vote

How much faster is it to sync the FULL blockchain with --cache=1024?

First the Ethereum blockchain is growing and growing at a faster pace. It would possibly reach 40Gb in no time. Thus allocating 1GB cache (cache--1024) is still not enough, but the syncing will go on, ...
Kishore's user avatar
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