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Javascript API and library for Ethereum To develop applications on Ethereum, you can use the web3 object provided by the web3.js library. Under the hood it communicates to a local node through RPC calls. web3.js works with any Ethereum node, which exposes an RPC layer.

1 vote

Open Zeppelin PullPayment with web3

function asyncSend(address dest, uint256 amount) internal This function has visibility set to internal. You cannot asyncSend not from solidity externally. You should consider using code like this: …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
  • 3,177
1 vote

Web3js - Cannot read property deployed()

As far as I know, when you are binding events, it should look like: bindEvents: function () { $(document).on('click', '.btn-create', App.createPerson); }, createPerson: function (event) { …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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0 votes

can i access latest blocks data with geth --fast --rpc?

You will have an access to the latest 1024 blocks like in a Full sync.
Roman Frolov's user avatar
  • 3,177
1 vote

Is there a specific token address?

First of all, you do not literally receive a token. Inside the blockchain it will be just like adding your contract address to some mapping somewhere in the blockchain and you won't get any event or …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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3 votes

Should we call send function to actually deploy a contract to the network

If your question is about the order of contract deployment and usage, then: Create contract object: new web3.eth.Contract(jsonInterface[, address][, options]) Deploy contract with options(byte code …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
  • 3,177
2 votes

Get all from ethereum blockchain

How can I do that? First, you will need some storage to save your history texts. string[] public saved_texts; Second, change your funciton. function setText(string newText) public payable retu …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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0 votes

Event cannot trigger when the transaction is done

If you want to watch event and not get the historic events, you should change your event declaration to: var instructorEvent = Coursetro.Instructor(); Otherwise it would look like this: var myE …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the web3 httpProvider options?

== 'undefined') { // Use Mist/MetaMask's provider web3js = new Web3(web3.currentProvider); } else { web3js = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("<API_TOKEN>" …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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1 vote

web3 contract TypeError: 'apply' is not a function

This should work: var myContract = web3.eth.contract(abi); var myContractInstance ="0xcbbfbafedb0eb83016d2a96a4e80d30b20fa3e30"); var result = myContractInstance.apply("4183f3a48d9 …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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5 votes

Contract has not been deployed to detected network

Contract has not been deployed to detected network (network/artifact mismatch) I see many different problems with your code, but not what you mentioned in your question. I cloned your github re …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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3 votes

Creating a contract ERC20 and sending a transaction, get balance (web3)

Yes, it is. (proof) Yes, but you can deploy it in your private chain, so you don't need to sync and waste time. Consider using remix btw. It can be done both ways. You can deploy it through the web3 …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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0 votes

Error when trying to create new Solidity contract using Geth

If your error is in geth, then I can recommend you to read this article about Deploying A Smart Contract. Be sure to set your private chain correct, to have account, to have balance >0, to unlockAccou …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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0 votes

Call instance function of a contract from embark console

So how can I call post for accounts[1]. Remove isOwner() modifier or Initiate contract and send accounts[1] in parameter. or Add multiple owners This is what this modifier is for, i …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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1 vote

Having trouble interacting with a simple contract

In first scenario, your result is BigNumber, so you just need to add .toNumber() to length: it("should create a stuct", function() { return MyContract.deployed().then(function(instance) { …
Roman Frolov's user avatar
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