1ETH = 1WETH. Here's an explanation why WETH even exists:

> The ERC-20 standard defined certain mandatory rules for every token
> contract such as totalSupply, balanceOf, transfer, transferFrom,
> approve and allowance.
> The ERC-20 standard was developed after the native token ETH was
> released, and ETH in its original form does not conform to its own
> ERC-20 standard.
> In order to facilitate smart contract exchanges for other ERC-20
> tokens on decentralised exchanges, ETH has to be first converted, or
> wrapped into an ERC-20 compliant version — WETH — which is a
> standardized format like other ERC-20 tokens.
> *source: https://medium.com/stakingbits/eth-vs-weth-what-is-wrapped-ethereum-weth-b9bb9a0856e5*

Gas fees still apply and highly impact transactions of small amounts. Thus, in your case I'd suggest sticking to one currency and avoiding extra swaps.