Every block provide a timestamp, but if the time is critical for you don't refer to this `timestamp` because a miner could modify it by about 900s you could use instead `block.number`. 1- current block timestamp is returned by now : e.g contract Test { function Time_call() returns (uint256){ return now; } } Time_call will returns something like : 1478431966 (which you could convert in a readble form in [http://www.unixtimestamp.com/][1]) 2- block Number is returned using block.number function Time_call() returns (uint256){ return block.number; } to get the call time you could use the block.number and the [block time][2] (an avarage) **Edit**: if you want when the transaction was sent use javascript in your Dapp to get the current time `var seconds = new Date().getTime() / 1000;` and send it in the data field withing your transaction. [1]: http://www.unixtimestamp.com/ [2]: https://etherscan.io/charts/blocktime