You can refund gas cost to the transaction sender. You can do this with a modifier:

    pragma solidity^0.4.11;
    contract SomeContract {
        event SomeEvent(address sender);
        // Need to allow depositing ehter to the contract
        function() public payable {
    	modifier refundGasCost()
            uint remainingGasStart = msg.gas;

            uint remainingGasEnd = msg.gas;
            uint usedGas = remainingGasStart - remainingGasEnd;
            // Add intrinsic gas and transfer gas. Need to account for gas stipend as well.
            usedGas = usedGas + 21000 + 9700;
            // Possibly need to check max gasprice and usedGas here to limit possibility for abuse.
            uint gasCost = usedGas * tx.gasprice;
            // Refund gas cost
    	function doSomething() external refundGasCost {

Refunding in this way implies some overhead: at least 9700 gas has to be payed extra for the `transfer` function call inside `refundGasCost` modifier. Also gas for computations and variables access in `refundGasCost` should be added to `usedGas`.

Also the above code is potentially vulnerable to reentrancy and other attacks. I provided it only as an example and didn't test it thoroughly.