I am a beginner studying how to use Solidity in writing smart contract.

As I read the Solidity documentation, I would like to have a feel of how smart contract works using the [Remix IDE][1].

I am trying with the contract Ballot given in the [voting example][2].

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

According to my understanding, after I have created the contract, I would be the the chairperson with address **msg.sender**.

And I can give right to other voters using the giveRightToVote function by entering their address.

What I am not sure here is how I can create another voter with different address in Remix IDE. If I click create, another contract would be generated voting for different proposals.

Can someone please teach me what I should do in order to create a new voter or point out if I have misunderstanding in concepts. Thank you very much.

  [1]: https://remix.ethereum.org/
  [2]: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/solidity-by-example.html
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/QyVWQ.jpg