This is probably a very simple problem to solve, but I am setting up a node.js backend using express for my Dapp and I can now deploy new contracts just fine. I now need to figure out how to make calls to a function in an existing contract (created previously in Remix). I have the following syntax for setting up the provider. This works, at least for creating a new Insurer: const Web3 = require("web3"); const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider"); require('dotenv').config(); const provider = new HDWalletProvider(process.env.MNEMONIC, process.env.INFURA_URL); var contract = require("@truffle/contract"); const insurerArtifacts = require('./build/contracts/Insurer.json'); var myInsurerContract = contract(insurerArtifacts); myInsurerContract.setProvider(provider); const platformArtifacts = require('./build/contracts/Platform.json'); var myPlatformContract = contract(platformArtifacts); myPlatformContract.setProvider(provider); The function call I make is as follows: var insurerAddress = '0x...'; var myClientUIC = req.body.clientUIC; var myClientName = req.body.clientName; var myClientGroup = req.body.clientGroup; var myClientNACE = req.body.clientNACE; var myCreditLine = parseInt(req.body.creditLine); var myCreditLineDate = parseInt(req.body.creditLineDate); var myClientCurrency = req.body.clientCurrency; var myClientCity = req.body.clientCity; var myClientCountry = req.body.clientCountry;"0x...").methods.createClient(myClientUIC, myClientName, myClientGroup, myClientNACE, insurerAddress, myCreditLine, myCreditLineDate, myClientCurrency, myClientCity, myClientCountry, { from:provider.getAddress() }) .once('transactionHash', function(hash) { console.log("TxHash: " + hash); }).on('receipt', function(receipt) { console.log("receipt: " + JSON.stringify(receipt)); }) .then(function(result) { }, function(error) { console.log(error); }); The error I get is: TypeError: Cannot read property 'createClient' of undefined However, createClient is a function and I have checked that all the parameters have values. Does createClient itself need to be called differently? I would appreciate any help you an give me with this beginner's issue! Many thanks. Phil