Basically, there are two approaches to decode the value of Mint Power and Number of Days. 

#1: Using abi-decoder and/or parseTransaction utilities for web3. The details can be seen in this

#2: Decode manually based on the input data based on the following rule. The input data represented in blockchain is illustrated as bit string. 
+ The first 10 bit string is the transaction signature which is 0x635d70f4 in your example
+ Next 64 bit string represents the first input (which is mintPower)
+ Next 64 bit string represents the second input (which is numOfDays)

=> Thus, you just need to slice the input string to decode from hexadecimal to decimal.

Given the following transaction

You can create a Python code snippet to decode it as

from web3 import Web3
from moralis import evm_api
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
# Connect to an Ethereum node 
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(''))

# Incase you have a list of txns to decode
listTxns = ['0x958ccfe41ea002afe69234aa10a106ba5e87d6807ccaf6b3a23a5826bfc1399f']
# SafeMint signature
for txn in listTxns:
    trans = web3.eth.get_transaction(txn)
    inputs = trans['input']

    # 0:10 is transaction signature
    mintPower = int(inputs[10:10+64], 16)
    numOfDays = int(inputs[10+64:10+64*2], 16)
    print('mintPower: ', mintPower)
    print('numOfDays: ', numOfDays)
Results will be
mintPower: 100
numOfDays: 36

Then, you can parse the mintPower and numOfDays to excel sheet using pandas library