User storage user = users[msg.sender];
I have a "User" struct:

    	struct User {
		Deposit[] deposits;
		uint256 checkpoint;
		address referrer;
		uint256[3] levels;
		uint256 bonus;
		uint256 totalBonus;

And a "users" mapping:

    	mapping (address => User) internal users;
The function the original line only asks for:

    function intense(address referrer, uint8 plan) public payable {

So I understand what a mapping is and what the Struct is (I'm a beginner) I'm just very confused about the first line:
If I understand well, "users[msg.sender]" refers to the item in the "users" mapping with the key value "msg.sender". However, I don't remember creating this. If I am creating this, I don't understand how I created it when the "users" mapping only includes the "User" struct and I haven't given all the information the user struct needs. Plus, I don't know what the new "user" is.

Thanks a lot for the help!