I got this external [account](https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x4c50a4cf1bd11ed1de4a3f66171aa3906cbc2590) from which I called a function of this [contract](https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/tx/0x69c4fe83f2ed228dfd55f030df885a20c5aae747dad9b49083eb36ca74226573) which subsequently called `selfdestruct` and sent all the funds to the caller.

Where can I see the tx making this transfer? There's no internal transactions tab in the external account's page, but there is [one](https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/tx/0x69c4fe83f2ed228dfd55f030df885a20c5aae747dad9b49083eb36ca74226573#internal) in the tx page. However, it displays `0 Ether`, although the external account was actually funded with 0.03 ETH.