You'll need to create a symbolic link from the folder where Mist is looking for the chaindata to the folder where you are storing the chaindata (e.g., on an external drive). You can make a symbolic link with the `MKLINK` command in Windows, there's a good primer on the matter here: (A symbolic link is not the same as a Windows shortcut, though it functions similarly) Here are directions to do this in Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10: First, open command prompt in Windows with administrator privileges, then enter: `mklink /J folder_path_that_Mist_looks_at folder_path_to_your_desired_location` In my case with Win8 this command looks something like this: `mklink /J C:\User\Username\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum D:\Etherdata\Ethereum` (I moved my whole Etherdata folder, not just the chaindata folder). The `/J` indicates that you're linking a folder not a file. You do not need to navigate to a particular folder in command to do this. (Thanks to @BokkyPooBah for his guidance on this [here][1]) [1]: