From this video:
I discovered Truffle (
Couple of things on life cycle:
- The contract creator pays gas to get the contract into the block chain.
- If the method or access is constant, the client and do the operation. Constant operations do not modify the block chain, so they are free.
- If the method is not constant, then it costs gas to run it.
Some code using Truffle:
# Beware the promise
> var helloWorld; HelloWorld.deployed().then((a) => helloWorld = a);
# Free
# Not free
> hello.getBalanceBaller.sendTransaction()
{ [String: '412'] s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 412 ] }
# Account value
> web3.eth.getBalance(account)
{ [String: '4.824337705048486307205e+21'] s: 1, e: 21, c: [ 48243377, 5048486307205 ] }
# Block was mined
{ [String: '824'] s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 824 ] }
# Balance of account is deducted
> web3.eth.getBalance(account)
{ [String: '4.829335031748486307205e+21'] s: 1, e: 21, c: [ 48293350, 31748486307205 ] }