i'm wondering how can i get the correct current average gas price ( or the new parameters maxPriorityFeePerGas
and maxFeePerGas
) to push to my web3 wallet in order to have my transaction mined?
I know that there is an rpc call that you make that returns the current gasPrice of the rpc node you are calling, but it always seems not dynamic, by dynamic i mean that i'd like the value to change over time to match the real variation of gasPrice used by transactions of the latest blocks.
I mean, in a self hosted geth node, there is a way for retriving a dynamic value for this attributes? they seems like hardcoded and never get updated, for example from the geth cli eth.gasPrice
, eth.maxPriorityFeePerGas
returns always 1000000000
why is that? do i have to implement myself a tracker that based on the latest 'x' blocks it returns the average gasPrice used or does geth have an internal logic that already does this that i can call ? Thanks in advance :)