The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a way for the creating contract to report what it's doing. I'll refer to the contracts as "factory" and "generated", where there is one "factory" with a function that can create unlimited "generated" contracts.
Factory needs a getter function or event emitter; some way of exposing the addresses of the contracts it created.
With event emitter:
pragma solidity ^0.4.2;
contract factory {
event LogContractCreated(address generated);
function createContract() public returns(bool success)
Generated g = new Generated();
LogContractCreated(g); // Generated g is directly convertable to address
return true;
contract Generated {
// whatever it does
With getter function:
pragma solidity ^0.4.2;
contract factory {
// keep track of generated addresses
address[] private generated;
function createContract() public returns(bool success)
Generated g = new Generated(); // make a new Generated and not its address
generated.push(g); // record the address for later
return true;
// optionally, report how many rows are in the list
function getGeneratedCount() public constant returns(uint count) {
return generated.length;
// achieve similar result setting generated to "public" near line 6
function getAddressAtIndex(uint row) public constant returns(address contractAddress) {
return generated[row];
contract Generated {
// whatever it does